Probate and Estate Administration
The definition of probate is a court proceeding in which final debts are settled and legal title to assets is formally passed from the deceased person to the beneficiaries or heirs. Probate administration applies only to probate assets. Probate assets are those assets that the decedent owned in whole or in part at death, and that lacked a provision for automatic succession of ownership at death. A probate law attorney can help you plan for probate before your death and ensure that all state and federal laws are taken into account when you plan your wills and trusts.
If there is a will, it usually names an executor who must file a petition for probate. The clerk of the court then decides that the will is genuine and valid—or deals with any objections or claims anyone else may bring against the estate—and then admits the will to probate. The length of time for the probate process can vary.
Contact us at 919-783-9669 today to connect with a qualified probate law attorney.
Without a will, somebody must ask the court to be appointed administrator. The clerk then verifies that the assets are distributed in accordance with the laws of intestate succession. Find out more about probate and administration of estates and trusts.
While this process seems straight-forward, it can get complicated quickly, depending on the people, assets and court involved.
Probate and estate administration can be hard to understand, especially if the deceased person didn't have a will or had an insufficient will that was missing pieces of information or included outdated information. A probate law attorney can help you determine what is best for managing and administering your assets and how to prepare your family for an uneventful and efficient probate process.
Contact the estate law attorneys at Haas & Associates, P.A. to discuss your options, your specific needs and the best way to move forward to ensure your assets and family are protected.