Estate Planning
A clear plan to protect those left behind
Over 70 percent of Americans do not have a will. An even greater percentage have made no provisions whatsoever to protect their family or their businesses in the event that they die or are somehow incapacitated, permanently or temporarily, and cannot make decisions on their own. Lack of clear direction from you, if and when these events occur, could lead to additional confusion and emotional and financial burden for your family and loved ones. In the worst of cases, families are torn apart, businesses are dissolved or fall into disarray and attorneys or the government end up with a large portion of the estate you spent your lifetime building. These events can all be prevented with a clear plan and direction from you for those left behind. An experienced estate planning attorney can help you do this.
Minimizing the negative impact
Haas & Associates, P.A. attorneys can work with you to put the pieces in place to make certain that these events have the least impact possible on the ones you love and the products of your labor. We talk with you about your individual situation, help you establish the needs and goals in relation to your family and/or business and develop a plan that will ensure a smooth transition and lessen the impact should tragedy occur.
The estate planning attorneys at Haas & Associates, P.A. provide you with the legal counsel you require to develop creative, comprehensive solutions to your estate planning and administration needs. We work with you to plan for wealth preservation, a smooth business succession and an efficient transfer of family assets.
Contact us at 919-783-9669 today to discover how we can help you find the right estate administration lawyer.
The firm provides advice and helps develop comprehensive solutions across the estate planning and administrative spectrum:
An estate planning attorney can advise and help anticipate the needs of individuals and families. We appreciate how important it is to provide security for families when business assets and other property are transferred due to retirement, disability or death. We are there to help at every step along the way.
Divorce and estate planning
Divorce is often a complicated process, and after having dealt with all of the issues of their divorce, most people forget to take the very important step of updating their last will and testament or estate plan to reflect the changes in their family. Don't forget to talk to one of our attorneys about having your estate planning documents updated as we support you through your divorce. If you don't have a last will and testament or estate plan, one of our attorneys will be happy to assist you in preparing one to protect your family and your property.
Estate planning for non-traditional families
Over the past decade, non-traditional families have become more prevalent in American society. Without proper planning, the death of a person in a non-traditional family can be devastating to his or her partner and family. Since the law does not provide protection to partners that are not married, failing to have an estate plan, or relying upon a Will, Joint Tenancy or Tenancy in Common as an estate plan, may be tantamount to giving up control of one's estate and decision-making authority in times of incapacitation or death.
For non-traditional families, the need for an estate plan is critical in case of an accident or illness that renders one partner incapable of making decisions or managing his or her affairs. Without a proper estate plan, the other partner could be legally precluded from having any role in the decision-making regarding his/her partner's care, managing his or her affairs or even having access to the incapacitated partner in the hospital, rest home or other facility.
Haas & Associates, P.A. is committed to providing for all of the major legal needs of today's families. It is our belief that having a carefully executed estate plan is a critical step in preserving an individual's wealth, respecting his/her wishes and for facilitating a partner's participation in one’s healthcare in the event of a major illness or accident.