Understanding Separation Agreements: A Guide

Separation Agreements

Understanding Separation Agreements: A Guide At Haas & Associates, P.A., we understand that navigating the complexities of legal agreements can be daunting, especially when it involves sensitive matters such as separation or divorce. One crucial document that often arises in these situations is the separation agreement. In this blog post, we aim to provide clarity…

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Do You Need a Reason to Divorce in North Carolina?

Do you need a reason to divorce in North Carolina?

Under North Carolina law, there are two types of divorce, the first being Absolute Divorce and the second being Divorce from Bed and Board (with Divorce from Bed and Board being extremely rare). An Absolute Divorce completely and finally ends the marriage between two people. North Carolina is a “no-fault” divorce state.  Separation for over…

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The Do’s and Don’ts of Social Media During Your Divorce

Going through a divorce can be a particularly tough time, and if you feel as though your partner has mistreated you, you might be tempted to take to social media to let the world know about it. You also might want to use social media platforms to seek out help and advice from other individuals…

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Love Yourself: 7 Tips for Self-Care Following Divorce

Divorce self-care

Going through a divorce can leave you feeling bitter, angry, lost, and lonely. It can be all too easy for these feelings to get the better of you and suddenly you’re spiraling into depression, despair, and unhealthy habits which can affect both your physical and mental health. Staying positive and finding ways to take care…

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Get What You Deserve: Understanding Contempt

Divorces do not always go smoothly. After the divorce, one party might disagree with a portion of the judge’s decision and decide not to follow the order. This behavior can result in an order to show cause or a motion for contempt. Whether you are the recipient of an order to show cause or a…

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Looking to the Future: Six Ways You Can Heal from a Divorce

Going through a divorce isn’t easy for anyone. Even if you initiated it, it’s likely you will experience a lot of different, and sometimes conflicting emotions. You may go through periods of pain, grief, anger, and loneliness, but you also might experience a sense of relief, a new found confidence and an inner peace knowing…

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How a Financial Analyst Contributes to the Divorce Process

When Mark and Kelly decided to get divorced, she suggested that they “just split everything 50-50.” She offered to take certain assets as her half and let Mark have everything else. He agreed, seeing the arrangement as fair. Unfortunately, what he didn’t realize was that he would have to pay taxes on his assets whenever…

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5 Common Misconceptions About Divorce

There are a lot of myths and false assumptions surrounding divorce, and many of them are accepted as fact thanks to popular media. They are so widespread that divorce attorneys have to spend considerable amounts of time educating their clients on how the process actually transpires. Below is a list of five of the most…

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How Divorce Affects Your Estate Plans

Divorce effects on estate plan

Divorce is a monumental life change, one that requires an updated estate plan to reflect your new circumstances. While most people wait until the divorce goes through before they revisit their will, power of attorney, trusts, and other arrangements, ideally the process should start as you know you intend to file. Given that North Carolina…

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4 Benefits of Signing a Marital Settlement Agreement in North Carolina

A marital settlement agreement

While divorce is rarely a happy occasion, it does not have to be acrimonious by default. When you and your spouse are able to work through any residual sadness, anger, and disappointment, it is possible to work out the terms of the divorce in a marital settlement agreement, or MSA for short. MSAs are a…

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